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               Advanced Association Professional game  Angling Instructors

  Why choose an AAPGAI instructor?


 AAPGAI is one of the most respected

 Flyfishing teaching organisations in

the world.

 Its all about teaching, passing on skills, to help people get more from their

fly-fishing .

The ladder of AAPGAI is a long and hard one but one of the most rewarding and satisfying things I have ever done.  We all have a real passion for fly-fishing and fly-casting.

 The Association of Advanced Professional Game Angling Instructors (AAPGAI) was

formed by a group of dedicated instructors in 2003 whose aim from the

outset was to improve game angling instruction standards, and to set and

consistently maintain the standards of assessment for all future potential AAPGAI instructors both in the UK and abroad.

Qualified AAPGAI instructors, who attain their qualification, are assessed equally on their abilities to teach and communicate all aspects of practical game angling which includes casting and fly tying. The technical standards required in casting to become a qualified AAPGAI instructor are high but this is only part of the skill set which needs to be demonstrated by potential instructors.

To qualify for the AAPGAI core qualification the candidate must demonstrate his/her depth and breadth of fishing knowledge and experience of every aspect of game angling in a written exam paper followed by an interview which can question a range of subjects from conservation, entomology, angling law, fish biology, fishing experience etc. The candidate has also to present a prepared practical thirty minute presentation to an audience on a game angling subject of their choice to demonstrate his/her communication skills. The written paper, presentation and interview along with the casting assessment all need to be passed before the candidate is invited to become a member of the Association.


Book a lesson or guided day

whether you're a beginner or fished for years use Yorkshire Flycastings experience and knowledge  and book a guided day or lesson.


Packages are available on request.

Fly Fishing Vouchers

Are you struggling to find that perfect present?


Why not treat them to a tailor-made gift voucher to suit every individual.


Full day, half day or an individual package is available 

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